March is here and the light is starting to come back to Sweden. Running in a partly snow-free forest is never as wonderful as it is after a few months of ice and snow. Everything gets easier when the temperature rise and you can remove some layers of clothes. This is the time of the year when you normally feel faster and stronger for every session… Or not.

This year I’m going into spring knowing that I will become heavier and slower! It’s also inspirational in its way, it reminds me to be grateful for every training session that I can do because I don’t know how I will feel next week.
I’ve had a fantastic winter. After two months of tiredness in late autumn I passed the magic 12 weeks border in December and felt stronger than ever. Not really because I physically was stronger. Probably the opposite, but every training session gave so much positive energy. Perhaps because I moved focus from a strive that every session must be of high quality to just enjoy that I can run and train as I want to.

Everything doesn’t always go as planned though. After ÖtillÖ last autumn Annika and I worked on a project to highlight the massive plastic pollution in the oceans and to raise money for the development of recycling infrastructure on Nusa Lembongan. In October and November we organized weekly training events in Stockholm to contribute to the fundraising project Bali Hope Swimrun. Unfortunately, I could not attend the final event in Bali as the Zika virus is present there. Thanks to Peter Aronsson who, with late notice stepped in, we could fulfill our project and Annika and Peter delivered a perfect race.

It was of course sad to not being able to go to Bali as planned but this project has only just started and there is much more to come. I’m excited to continue working with Annika on this and to see what we can accomplish.
But one thing at the time. For the coming months it’s someone else who has the power of my body. He or she weights around 700g and is around 30 cm tall and all I can do is to listen to this tiny creature and act accordingly. It might sound difficult, but it’s not that complicated. It’s interesting how quickly both my brain and body adapts to these new conditions. A pregnancy in itself is not an illness or an injury. It’s just that you need to put someone else in the first room.